Blog Posts

Shooting the voice over from Gary Roberson. Steve Roberson captures on camera beautiful predators on the hunt. Producer Brian Hawkins is in Menard to film the ins and outs that tie all the hunting footage together to tell a great story.
Right here in Menard, Texas!
Gary Roberson selected by Texas Trophy Hunters as a Hunting Pioneer

The Greatest Sounds for Calling Are the Sounds You Will Never Hear

I was sitting against a live oak tree in the middle of a 10 acre oat patch in LaSalle County, hoping to find a really mature whitetail. Just after sundown, I see a half-grown bobcat moving through the mesquite and prickly pear to the edge of the field where he sits down. The big kitten had been surveying the field for less than a minute when it suddenly turned its attention to the west and in a matter of seconds was sprinting across the corner of the field in a westerly direction. The path the cat was taking fully exposed...
Back to the Basics
In the last issue of THE JOURNAL OF THE TEXAS TROPHY HUNTER magazine, I related that for the first time in many years, our sponsors were wanting “how to” information on hunting, especially predator hunting. Since I have called predators for well over 50 years and made every mistake in the book, (some on more than one occasion), I feel qualified to offer a few tips that will hopefully make you a better hunter. While predator hunting is no doubt that fastest growing hunting sport, it seems that most predator hunters in Texas hunt at night and the...
FAQ with Gary Roberson

1. When will the new caller be available? As soon as we get a patent in place. Hopefully in March. 2. How good is a coyotes hearing?As a rule his hearing is about 7 times better than ours.3. How long do you sit on a stand?Normally 15 to 20 minutes, unless I am targeting bobcats, then 30-45 minutes.4. Do you call continuously on a stand?No, I try to be realistic. Critters are incapable of making sound continuously.5. What is your favorite caliber for calling coyotes?In big open country I like 22-250. In cover, when calling them in closer I like...